Dearly loved wife of Noel (dec), loved mother and mother-in-law of Robyn, Steven & Philippa.
Nana of Tristan and Bonnie, Danielle and Kye, Hamish and Rachel, Alethea and Adam, Prue and Matthew, Nathaniel and Abbey, Laura and Morgan, and Lani. Great-nan of Paige, Maxwell, Ella, Evelyn, Oliver, Patrick, Aster, Edward, Leif.
Big sister to Peter (dec) and Betty Webb, and adored aunt to Yvonne Davey.
Loved member of the Furner, Barling and Webb families.
Helen’s Family invite you to attend a Service of Celebration of Helen’s Life, to be held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Lochinvar on Wednesday 18th December, 2024 at 11 o’clock.